Wednesday, September 10, 2008

“Hartini, pls provide it real fast”

What ??? who the hell are you to instruct me ??? I’m not reporting to you.. you Asshole.. First, you had been informed about the meeting and information required since end August. But you only asked me to provide the infos on Monday and expect me to get it ready the next day.. what ?? you think i’m so free ka?? Sitting here prettily goyang kaki ??

Second, the info requested are wrong... what a joke.. Purpose of the meeting is the discuss about next year thingy not about this year plan as what you requested earlier.. OMG .. now i’m pissed after spending whole day yesterday and nite as well, i have to redo the report just because of your stupidity..

I guess only crappy head like me can stand working around that kind of stupidity..hehehe..But to be fair, there’s lots of excellent smart hard working people in my company as well..

p/s if i’m super busy, why do i have time to write this blog entry during office hour ??? might as well prepare the report rite ??.... LOL


domestic engineer said...

'if i'm super busy, why do i have time to write this blog entry during office hour???'

-Tau takpa...! hi hi hi

Anonymous said...

Tini, (Tumpang Sama Sama Belajar)

Lawan kerana benar mak puji sikap U berterus terang.

nanti kita diam semua dia angkut letak atas dada kita.

mana boleh semputle kita dah le kita memang dah ada beban kat situ..

Mak Limah