Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Banyak lag benda tak buat ni, nak gosok baju la, nak masak la, nak kemas rumah la, nak keluarkan pinggan mangkuk la..tensen tensen..
Macam maaa nak raya nih.. Mau nye aku saman jugak TNB ni karang..
Balik Kelate
Saturday malam pergi Tesco. First hypermarket in Kelantan. Ingatkan tak ramai la orang sebab Sabtu malam. Tengok2 ramainya... barang-barang pun banyak habis. Ader ker kat Kelate nih yang orang sembelih lembu setiap hari jual fresh local meat setiap pagi, daging kat Tesco tu boleh habis ??? Macam tak logic saja.
Semalam, pegi KB Mall and pasar besar. Jam nye jalan.. tension aku. Dah la pegi bank semua tak ada tukar duit raya..kalu tak ada jugak, sorry la semua tak de la duit raya for korang sumer tahun ni...jimat duit Aunty Ni..kekeke
And macam biasa bila balik kampong, makcik-makcik dan sesiapa saja yang busy body mesti tanya bila aku nak dapat anak..nak kata tensen tak la jugak tapi i don’t really like people asking me this type of personal question...suka hati la aku nak anak ke tak nak ke..bukannya menyusahkan hidup korang.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Aktiviti semalam
Rasa macam so many things to do tapi tak cukup masa. Saturday dah nak balik Kelantan. Don't even have time to meet any friends. Tak apalah lepas raya boleh lagi.
Few interesting things happened yesterday:-
1. Jumpa Dato K kat airport.
While waiting for hubby masa sampai tu ternampak Dato' K.. ingatkan dia datang nak ambik Siti rupa-rupanya ambik anak dia...macam mana la si Siti tu boleh syok kat Dato' K tak paham betul aku..muka gatal giler..hahahha u know kan some lelaki memang jenis yg muka gatal..kesiann lelaki-lelaki itu
2. Mahalnye minyak keta
Isi minyak keta full tank cost me RM150+ ...arghhhhh kat Dubai keta aku full tank cuma $50..
3. Subang Parade tak de feeling raya
Every year, mesti aku pi Subang parade at least sekali masa bulan Ramadhan sebab kat ground floor tu ada jual macam2 kueh raya and baju2 raya. So semalam lepas berbuka, pegi sana ingat nak cari some kueh raya, tengok2 hampehh.. It's totally different... cuma 1 kiosk jual kueh raya and only few stall ada jual baju raya...apa ni.. mana semua peniaga2 dah pegi.. aku nak beli kueh raya..huhuhuhu
4. Jalan TAR tak jam..
Lepas frust kat Subang parade, as consolation, hubby drive me to Jalan TAR just saja nak jalan2 tengok barang..beli kueh kat sini, definitely NO NO..semua rasa margarine jer.. Usually by this time, tempat ni mesti penuh orang buat last minute shopping or just jalan2 cuci mata like me.. Tapi surprisingly, semalam tak ramai orang and in fact Jalan TAR tak jam pun.. pelik pelik.. apasal ni.. orang Malaysia tak mo raya kerr....
5. Jalan2 tak dihiasi dengan festive decoration..
ini satu lagi benda pelik.. bukan ker orang Malaysia terrer pasal2 benda nih.. tapi apsal tak de raya poster ker, bunting ker, lampu2 yg dok selalu pasang kat pokok and in between lamp post.. mana itu semua ???? strange.
sedihla akuuuuu.. balik KL nak rasa feeling raya tapi macam tak ada feeling pon.. ohhh.. radio dah start mainkan lagu2 raya.. this 1 i'm not complaining..
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Balik Kampong
All my bags are packed and i'm ready to go.. really excited nak balik kampong, afterall this is the longest period i stay in Dubai. Usually every 2.5 mths dah balik KL for my home leave. But this time sebab nak tunggu raya, so i'm here for almost 4 mths...lama tuu..
Rasa macam tak banyak barang, but i ending up with 2 bags, yg besar 30kgs and small red one 17kgs..hahahha dah plan dah if MAS reject, i'll hand carry the red one. Anyway, my things tak banyak pun, kiriman orang yg banyak:-
Nellies - 2.5kgs
Farah - 1 kg
Ali - 3 kgs
Putri - 2.5kgs
Niza - 1.5kgs
Janelle - 5kgs
Raya goodies for family - 6kgs
Kekacang and chocodates - 4.5kgs
Luckily my company bagi kita travel in style..so ada la privilege dapat extra baggage weight...otherwise kawan-kawan jangan harap aku nak tolong bawak balik barang2 korang..hehehehe tak dok duit ambo nok bayar penalty.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pick-Up lines
When we start talking about it, Evelyn and I both married can only listen to Ally and Yen comparing notes..*sigh* Do we miss it ?? Now happily married both of us confessed that we do miss this part of life.. flirting, courting and dating.. like Priscilla always said “It’s the refreshing feeling that makes me keep on dating different guy” and Pris is a serial “dater” so she knows better. hahahaha
So, single guys out there, it’s important to have a good pick-up line mind you, if you are a shy person and not into lovey dovey or straight forward line, make it really funny as girls like funny guy. That will get you somewhere...LOL
Best ever pick-line for me is when a guy stop his car when i’m walking up to my office 1 weekend and said “I think you are very attractive and looking at you i know that you are a fun person to be with” Flattered i am and do i give him my number ?? I'm crazy not to...hahahaha (but the relationship did not work out though)...
Demam Jugak
Dari semalam lagi tak sihat. Hopefully, by the time aku sampai KL this wednesday, i'll be OK. Kalu tak, aku kena "puasa" lagi few days la..hahahahaha
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hot Topic..
As for me, i did follow the first and second issue but i did not give a hoot about the 3rd issue which is not an issue on the first place, it’s more like a misunderstanding but whatever...
Anyway, if i am an American will i vote for Sarah Palin ?? My answer is definitely NO. Like Matt Damon said “It's like a really bad Disney movie, The Hockey Mom. She’ll facing down Vladimir Putin and using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink. It's absurd." Hahahaha i totally agree Matt, but i still will not buy a ticket to your movie though, except for the Bourne and the Ocean’s and Good Shepard and Good Will Hunting errr itu macam dah banyak je dah..
OK and now, what if i am a Malaysian..(the fact that i’m a Malaysian make more senses hehehe) What is my take on current political situation back at home ? I will say, we definitely need a change on government. Current ruling party had been on the throne for so long they just simply become lazy and thought that they are untouchable. Now it is the time to show what democracy is all about. At the same time, the opposition party also had some bad eggs in their basket. So how ? I had conclude long time ago, that most of Malaysians have penchant for politic just for the money. Not for the love of the country, not to make things better but simply because of the philosophy “kalau nak kaya join la politik”.. sad but true...
Anyway, enjoy the video from SNL - Palin Vs Clinton.. it's hilarious.. if somebody in Malaysia buat this kind of mockery video of Najib Vs Lim Kit Siang mesti orang tu kena ISA..
Saturday, September 13, 2008
But before cerita about shopping, nak eksen, that for the first time in my life, aku berjaya membuat kueh melayu..hahahaha.. and the lucky kueh is of course one of my favourite - cik mek molek. Masa kecik sampai anak dara tak pernah berminat nak balajar buat kueh. masa dok dengan mak, mak ada so buat apa nak belajar..hehehe and masa dok bujang2 dulu, kueh melayu merata, rasa nak makan apa pegi je la cari mana2, pasar malam ke tepi jalan ke mesti ada. Lepas kawin pun sama. Mana ada masa nak buat kueh, balik kerja pun dah malam. weekend selalunya we had late lunch so tak pernah rasa nak buat kueh. Aku cuma pandai buat bubur je sebab senang and cucur udang sebab tu favourite husband..so untuk menjadi isteri yg disayangikan mestila kena pandai buat fav foods dia...hehehe
Now dok kat Dubai ni mana la nak cari kueh-mueh tradisional melayu, so last week sebab rasa nak makan kan so aku pun merajinkan diri untuk buat kueh cik mek tu.. tak tau la sebab kueh tu senang ke or aku ni memang ada bakat memasak semulajadi, it turns out OK, semua cukup so sedap la bagi aku..buat 2 biji sweet potato dapat la 5 keping.. tapi kan aku tensen gak sebab rasanya dah banyak gula aku letak nak suruh air gula jadi kow2 tapi bila dah masak, air gulanya kureng..and i've conclude that it's not my fault tapi gula kat sini halus so x sedap not like our gula kasar kat malaysia yg membuatkan air gula dia meleleh..slurrrpp
Thursday nite, went to Sharja Blue Souq dengan Che'na and Putri. dah lama plan nak pergi and finally berjaya juga kami menjejak kan kaki ke sana. First time for Che'na and I but Putri had been there few times.
Che'na nak beli souvenirs and myself nak cari jubah yg colleagues kirim and tudung Turkey for mom.. Itula mak aku, masa aku pegi Turkey dulu tak cakap nak, tetiba lepas tengok cerita apa ntah dalam tv, suruh aku carikan dia tudung Turkey..
Ini kedai tudung yg first kami masuk. Putri kenal towke kedai, Abdullah nama dia. Aku beli 4 je tudung dia sebab not really my taste tapi terbeli 2 pashmina that i dont really need since aku dah ada like 5 but oklah sebab aku ni memang jenis tak tahan sejuk so all my pashmina memang di fully utilized kan.
Lepas kedai tudung, kami pi kedai souvenir sebab Che'na nak beli souvenirs for her family. kedai ni a bit scary for me sebab penuh dengan ala-ala antiques things, macam kepala monyet la, ular la, some scary look patung and kawasan yg sewaktu dengannya. Che'na tensen sebab towke kedai tak paham.. but memang kelakar tengok depa dok communicate macam itik dengan ayam..but i do understand the frustration..hehehe
Ini depan kedai jubah yang aku beli jubah for my collagues and tudung Turkey for my mom. murah dan cantik. Aku beli banyaks sebab nak bagi for adiks and in-laws
Lepas tu masuk satu lagi kedai souvenir. Ini towke kedai(yg pakai kandura) yg pandai. Dia ada indian assistant yg boleh cakap omputeh. so no comunication breakdown..
Ini highlite of the nite for me. Masa dalam keta dah cakap that aku nak beli emas. Dah lama plan tapi tak beli2 lagipun i'm not really a gold person. Aku cuma ada 2 set jewellery saja tu pun jarang2 pakai cuma wedding ring and bangle saja aku suka pakai. Tapi since Che'na mentioned that her colleagues cakap that ths week harga emas jatuh and depa suruh beli masa ni, so i thought nak survey2 la. masuk first kedai, SA tak layan. Maybe tengok aku macam Kabayan kot ingat aku saja2 tengok2. pastu masa nak kluar gi parking dah, kita tengok rantai yg display cantik2, so masuk le tengok. Towke kedai dia Leena tu service baik punya really friendly eventhough kedai dia dah nak tutup. Sabar je dok melayan kitaorg belek sana belek sini tanya harga.
So lepas fikir like 20 mins, i decided to beli saja. Yay!!..cakap kat Putri and Che'na ni my first jewellery purchase (before this sumer gift from husband) and Putri terus suruh aku bergambar ngan Leena to commemorate ths purchase..lalalala
Balik tu terus call husband sebab tak sabar nak criter pengembaraan menghabihkan duit aku. First kena lecture sebab balik pagi2 buta tapi amazingly dia tak marah aku beli jewellery sebab dia cakap itu investment... dia cakap dari aku menghabihkan duit beli handbag and nonsense2 yg sewaktu dengannya baik la aku habihkan duit beli emas..hahahaha Tapikan Yang, kalu tak pakai kena bayar zakat, sapa yg nak bayar tu ???? and i need a bracelet to match my new chain... *hint hint*
Ohhh yang tak boleh lupa is masa tengah dok pikir2 tu masuk la sorang mak Arab. Dia keluarkan satu box bagi Leena tu. Leena tu pandai cakap Arab so kitaorg tak paham la apa diaorg dok borak, tengok2 masa Leena bukak box tu penuh dengan rantai la gelang la aku rasa senang2 ada like 10-20 urat..wow, terernya mak arab tu bawak dalam box lepas tu letak dalam paper bag macam bawak barang 20ringgit jer.. kita org pon dok pikir, banyak2 macam tu bila dia pakai sumer tu ?? aku ayg ada satu dua ni pun tak terpakai..hmmm
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My last "emo" entry
Making decisions have never been easy for me... It can take me forever to make up my mind even with just the simple task of ordering from a restaurant’s menu. The same horror resonates when I can’t settle on which movie to watch, which dress to wear or what haircut suit me ? From the shallowest things like the ones I’ve enumerated above to the more complex ones that deal with career paths, relationships and life, I might have to beg for more than just a second before I lay my cards down.
There’s just something wrong with leaving the other options unanswered; the what ifs continue to haunt my conscience. At the back of my mind, I continue to ask for signs of reassurance that I picked the worthiest choice. I never doubt decisions that had been made but sometimes i wonder what if i choose the other choice ??
What ??? who the hell are you to instruct me ??? I’m not reporting to you.. you Asshole.. First, you had been informed about the meeting and information required since end August. But you only asked me to provide the infos on Monday and expect me to get it ready the next day.. what ?? you think i’m so free ka?? Sitting here prettily goyang kaki ??
Second, the info requested are wrong... what a joke.. Purpose of the meeting is the discuss about next year thingy not about this year plan as what you requested earlier.. OMG .. now i’m pissed after spending whole day yesterday and nite as well, i have to redo the report just because of your stupidity..
I guess only crappy head like me can stand working around that kind of stupidity..hehehe..But to be fair, there’s lots of excellent smart hard working people in my company as well..
p/s if i’m super busy, why do i have time to write this blog entry during office hour ??? might as well prepare the report rite ??.... LOL
Tension ???? Again !!!!
Looking back, i’m not a person who regret decisions that been made in the past.. I’m a person who firmly believe, things happened for a reason.. But how come i’m quite depressed ths few days?? Or am i just trying to bring out the ol bitch inside me back to life...
I’m a person who have a high tolerance level, but how come these few days i need to put distance to few peoples ???
OMG, i seriously need to make a trip to Burjuman, otherwise think i’ll go mental... or worst become grumpy ol woman.. ohhh noooooo..
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I'm a diver, once
Got ths photo from my diving buddy and a note asking when will i come out from my so call retirement.
Whole day i was looking at the photo. And i can’t deny that i do miss it. But what do i miss? Is it the thrill ? is it the view inside the deep sea ? is it the feeling of loneliness when i’m down there, just me and the ocean and the sea creatures ? or do i miss the companion, my diving buddies ? or is it the laidback life whenever we went to diving trip ???
I have no answer for that as i seriously don’t know..
But 1 thing i do know is that my wet suit definitely wont fit me anymore.. LOL
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Malaysian's Bazaar Ramadhan in Dubai
- photo courtesy from Abd Halim lens
We arrived at 3.40 sama dengan orang yang nak menjual...hehehe that shows how "jella" i am. Terus pi beratur depan meja kueh Kak Tipah and Kak Neme. I've got few friends (Kamarul's Go kart supporters) and my best friend Ilyn whose visiting from KL for Iftar at my place. Earlier i had bodek Kamarul to belanja the supporters kueh2 for Iftar today. So memang sedap Lina and me tunjuk2 saja since somebody else is paying..hehehe
- Photo courtesy from Abd Halim lens
I've bought for myself (ini dah cakap kat member2 tak boleh share since i want to indulge it sorang2 hehehe) tepung pelita, buah tanjong, laksa kelate, ketupat sotong and nasi dagang Shiela. OK OK..macam tamak je kan tapi trust me semua beli satu saja so tak banyak tau...husband baca entry ni mesti geleng kepala..
- Photo courtesy from Abd Halim lens
Anyway, macam yang aku expect, all foods finish by 5pm. Kueh kelate and laksa Kak Neme by 4.15 macam tu dah habis. Paling amazing lai chi kang, bukak kedai 5 minit je, semua habis. Tersenyum lebar abang yang menjual tu..
- Photo courtesy from Abd Halim lens
Verdict for foods yang aku beli: semua sedap macam makan kat rumah..yelah yang meniaga ni semuanya professionals and the wives, so aku rasa dia orang menjual is more for fun and tunjuk skills, so tak kedekut dengan bahan mentah unlike orang2 yang meniaga nak buat duit. Of course, semua orang meniaga nak untung but what i meant is they didn't compromise onthe quality and taste of the foods.
Now, Malaysian UAE comittee tengah encourage more sellers for next week Bazaar Ramadhan, yelah kalau macam ni tiap minggu takut nanti semua orang serbu rumah CG pukul 4 sebab takut foods habis. Aku yang balik Malaysia every 2.5 mths pun kemaruk makanan kita lagilah orang2 yang dah lama tak balik kampung...
Next week plan: Nasi Kerabu Mastura, gulai ikan ayo Shiela (ni kena merayu-rayu la bagi beli lauk saja), kueh cara
Lagi cerita dalam :
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Pencuri oh Pencuri...
I’ve been trying to call my mother in Kelantan for few days. Since start posa till now tak dapat lagi cakap dengan dia. Everytime call nobody answer, takkan la mak aku ni asyik gi “derak” aje...
So yesterday i asked my husband to check. He called my youngest brother Hilmi and was informed that kabel telepon dah kena curi dengan Mat Pit kampong and now the whole kampung telepon line tak leh pakai... Ya Allah, mengucap panjang aku... macam ini pun boleh... so betul la kita punya slogan kan.. MALAYSIA BOLEH !!!!!!!
sian mak aku, nak cakap dengan anak cucu pun dah tak boleh. Errr..Na, gaji baru tu beli la HP ko mak ye...hehehehe
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Bazaar Ramadhan Yang Dirindui

popia - yummy...

tepung bungkus and karipap pusing - kalau dapat inti daging lagi best

jala mas and buah tanjung - traditional kelantan sweet and trust me it's really really sweet
- no wonder ramai orang cakap, oghe kelate manis2, makanan dia semua manis...manis ker???

kuih lapis and puddings - varieties of puddings can be found during ramadhan month

pulut panggang and tepung gomak

ayam panggang and murtabak
i'm writing this sambil menelan air liur terkecur-kecur..huhuhu tak sabarnya nak balikkkkkkk.