Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sad Story

Today when i reached home from work, got a shock of my life. Lampu rumah, tingkap semua terbuka. Since my husband is outstation and i just talked to him while driving back i'm sure it's not him. My sister and brother alway call or sms before they come. So u can imagine why i'm scared and quite reluctant to step into the house until i saw a familiar helmet belong to my bro.

Tengok2 masa tu di downstairs buang sampah for me. Rupa-rupanya datang rumah nak mengadu nasib. My brother study in ITM and share a terrace house with another 9 boys. His house in Shah Alam, Sect 7 was rob that morning. Semua HP. laptop and cash kena curi. That's why la dia datang senyap2, no Hp to call me.

He was home since 6 + waiting and praying for me to come back early. of coz la bila ada masalah he's looking for me, aku kan banker dia. Luckily hari ni awal sikit, by 8 i've reached home. Anyway, kita bersyukur sebab the thieves didnt take all the motorbike..Kalu tak mesti semua budak2 tu menangis teruk.

1 comment:

hasnifi said...

so macam mana nak contact hilmee?