"Maafkanlah Aku jika ada yang tersilap kata sehingga mengguris hati kerana tidak pernah bermaksud untuk diri ini mengecilkan hati sesiapa"
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wishing You A Ramadhan Kareem
"Maafkanlah Aku jika ada yang tersilap kata sehingga mengguris hati kerana tidak pernah bermaksud untuk diri ini mengecilkan hati sesiapa"
Merdeka Go-Kart Race in UAE
Dah la Khamis tu dia failed driving license test, so boleh ke percaya dia terer main go-kart ???? Tapi sebab dia bestpren aku kat Dubai kan, kena la pi bagi support..nanti merajuk kang, tak nak teman aku shopping la, makan2 la, pi chop pasport la, aku jugak yang susah nanti...kan..kan..kan ??? nanti dah tak tempat aku nak lepas geram dan komplen pasal orang2 kat Dubai ni.
But this time, memang terbukti ketereran dia la..semua dia sapu, time trial, 8 lap sprint event and 14 lap main race, semua dia lead.
kalu tak percaya, Bernama pun buat liputan hari tu, so boleh le si Kamarul pegi eksen dekat abang kakak, pakcik makcik, kawan-kawan, tok nenek, ketua kampong dan seluruh orang kampung kat Malaysia ... link as below
Sebelum start racing, walaupun dia nervous, tapi berjaya disembunyikan dengan senyuman yang tak berapa jadi.. Umbrella girl pakai baju merah lupa nak pakai skirt pendek malam tu
Kamarul in No. 12 kart. Pole position..
Supporters sibuk dok borak instead of support..
Kamarul's supporters. Yang no 2 dari kanan tu self-appointed team manager, tapi memang bersungguh2 nak memastikan si Kamarul tu menang...errr, dapat komisen ker???

Semua dia sapu tapi hadiahnya kurenggg menarik ler but anyway, the bragging right is worth it.
Some of Malaysian yang bagi support to friends or families
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Shopping Ala Minah Arab
Huh apa ? Shopping ala-ala minah Arab tu macam mana ?? Ohhh shopping ala-ala minah Arab tu macam gambar kat bawah ni..hehehehe
Don't look at me, tengok minah Arab kat belakang tu. Sekali shopping 3 paperbag Gucci dia angkut. Handbag - Dhs 7000, Wallet - Dhs 2300, Kasut - Dhs 1750. Perasaan bahagia dapat perabih duit - PRICELESS..
Emirates Tower Boulevard. Tempat ni berhantu tau. Keluar dari tempat ni, tengok2 duit dah hilang ribu2 punya..
There's about 30-50 high end designers boutique, 1 Starbuck and 3 restaurants. Brand-brand cap Ah Chong tak payah la cari kat sini, memang tak ada.
Tapi..alhamdulillah berkat bacaan jampi2 dari my Darling hubby, aku tidak diganggu oleh hantu2 itu...semoga jampi2 tu, tahan sampai balik raya ni..hehehehe
Borak2 Orang Kampung
My answer " shopping"
OK: " lagi?"
Me: "makan2"
OK: " lagi ? "
Me: "jalan2?"
OK: "Jalan-jalan kat mana?"
Me: " jalan2 shopping..hehehe"
OK: " korang kat sana itu je ke aktivitinye ? shopping, makan, shopping"
Me: "habih ko kat sana banyak ke aktiviti pelik2 ?"
OK: " hehehehe betul la jugak.. tapi kita org ada lepak2, karaoke, tengok wayang, spa, saloon emm apa lagi..banyak la"
Me: " Abih tu lepak2, karaoke tu bukan makan ke ?? wayang, spa, saloon tu pun aktiviti menghabihkan duit jugak.. sama je le..hehehe"
Me: "tapi kat sini, aktiviti lepaknya memerlukan duit yang banyak..hehehe coffee bean/starbuck je dah Dhs 17, wayang Dhs 30. Makan2 average Dhs 50. Diving site ada a few, tapi aku tak pernah plan nak pergi pun, dengar rate per dive terus surrender. baik aku shopping..heheheh *sigh* rasanya aku kena mintak company increase my overseas posting allowance la."
OK: " banyak le company nak increase. boss kan kedekut.."
Me: "hahahaha betul la jugak"
BBQ at Al Mamzar Park
There's great open space for children to play and there were an abundance of families out for a picnic, there is a children’s play area too, as well as shaded areas for BBQ. Overall memang cantik dan spacious. I like it better than the crowded Jumeirah Beach.
This is last makan-makan activities before Ramadhan. During Ramadhan, will still have makan2 but no more lepakking thereafter (yelah nak terawih kan)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Gone With The Wind

So last nite when Dubai One air the show, i have decided to really watch it. American classic tale of love-hate romance during Civil War relates around a rebellious and fiery Southern Belle named Scarlet O’Hara. An adaptation from a Pulitzer Prize novel, the film is sometimes considered to be the greatest feature film of all time in the history of American Literature.
No wonder so many fret over this movie..Memang best.. Now i can add it to my all time fave movie list sekali dengan Titanic, Jerry McGuire, Conair, Lion King etc etc and tak ketinggalan Rombongan Cik Kiah Ke Sukan Komonwel..hahahahaha
Road Sign

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Job In Dubai
Hmmmm.. just imagine if enjoy this kind of income in Malaysia..
Anyway, whoever interested, you can try your luck with Charterhouse (recruitment co.)
good luck..
Monday, August 18, 2008
Fasting in the Desert Land
It will be my first Ramadhan here in Dubai. Don’t know what to expect. Dari segi kepenatan, dah rasa yesterday and today, posa ganti. Dari segi berbuka, definitely sedih, sebab will berbuka sorang2, maybe few times saja berbuka with friends. Dah berazam kali ini tak nak tinggal terawih, but before that kena cari mana masjid yang ada terawih for ladies. Kat Dubai ni tak semua masjid ada tempat untuk perempuan solat.
There’s a plan to have Malaysian style Bazaar Ramadhan every Friday during Ramadhan month, but this is yet to be confirm. Kalau jadi bagus la, at least once a week dapat la aku merasa kuih muih tradisional Melayu. Nak masak sendiri .... hmmm tak merasa la maknanya..hehehe
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Get together
5 cars from Putri place and joined by another 2 cars at Jebel Ali
Before(ladies come first while waiting for guys perform Friday prayer) and after (so pack, total 57 Malaysian adult, some have to eat outside at the table as bersila place is too full)
1 talam of Mandi and 1 talam of big fishes. There's freshly cooked prawn, squid and another type of fish but i forgot to take some photos(too busy eating)
See... this is leftover put at 1 place so the waiter can pack for whoever want to tapau.
Organizes -Hila and Putri.. really feel like kenduri kat kampung.
After lunch, we go jalan2 at Marina Mall and some went to Picasso exhibition in Emirates palace which is just next to Marina Mall. We meet-up for coffee later in the evening at Havana Cafe
View from Havana Cafe..
On the bakc to Dubai, i told Putri.."aku nyesal la tak tapau"..hehehe in the afternoon eksi since so kenyang by nite regret didnt tapau.. the foods are really delicious. I've been to the restaurant few times but always forgot how good the foods are.
Next Malaysian gathering would be held at Jumeirah Beach, but that would be after Raya. Weather would be nice by then.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Soooo ugly
Where goes my creativity ?? hellooooo.. arty farty selff.. pls come backkkk.. i need u heree
Depress.. depress..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Yemeni Mandi
Malaysian gathering = Makan time.. hehehe
This time, location is in Mina kitchen near Abu Dhabi fish market. Foods serve there is Yemeni Mandi, one of Malaysian in UAE favourite. In fact it's a favourite of any Malaysian who had ever tried it.
Mandi is not the Malaysian mandi = shower. This Mandi is Arabic words (المندي) .
It's a traditional dish originated from Yeman. Made from meat (lamb or chicken) and rice and mixture of spices. Something like Briyani but slightly different taste. The meat is cooked in a very traditional way (zaman dulu gali lubang dalam tanah, now i have no idea how they make it). But the meat is really, really, REALLY tender. macam melt in your mouth.
Serve in dulang and lepas tu just dump the whole foods onto the plastic cover. Dont worry it's clean, itu pakai buang punya plastic. No gravy but the rice itself is already nice without kuah. As for me, the tomato paste in the bowl is my gravy.
Traditional way of eating Mandi, duduk bersimpuh or bersila. Kat Malaysia sekarang pun dah rarely can find tempat bersila macam ni..
Hah.. that's the actual way to eat Mandi, dump all the rice onto the plastic and pakat makan ramai-ramai..sapa-sapa yang penggeli tu sorry la. pegi makan sorang2 (kalau habih..portion besar giler, 1 dulang can consume by 2-3 person)
This Friday in Abu Dhabi, the serving dulang is bigger,like our "talam". If i go, i'll take some photos to show to you all.
How to spot fake LV
I'm sure it will be of use to you.
Courtesy of videojug
Something to think about

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Komunikasi Alaf Baru
We can choose either to make pc to pc call or pc to landline/mobile no. PC to PC is free and there's a minimum charges for pc to landline/mobile (usually it's like calling a local no. rate).
Thanks to the technology, now we can communicate with our loves one without worrying about the telehone bill. As for me, it's definitely making me less homesick as i can see my husband whenever i feel like it. Good also, so i can rest assured that he's at home as he's supposed to be ..hehehehe
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Pengat Pisang
Since got nothing to do browsing thru website and check out friends’ blog as well. Saw Bubur
I’m sure i will suffer coming Ramadhan month. Where can find kueh here ..huhuhuhu. In a way it’s good also, maybe i can start making this kueh-mueh myself. This will be good time to learn as in KL i’m too busy to cook (or is it just an excuse not too cook...)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Global Village in Dubai
I've went there with Kamarul and Janelle, and i've told them " aku nak makan banyak2 today kalu ada Malaysia foods" Unfortunately there's no Malaysian stall at all :-( except for Ali cafe. Ohh FYI, ALi cafe is no 1 brand of instant coffee in it's category in UAE. Surprise ?? Don't be.. Malaysia boleh..
Anyway, Global Village only operates during winter from December till mid/end Feb every year. It's like 1 KM radius spread and not too bad place to find things from countries all over the world.

Behind is China House. It's one of the largest house in Global Village. There's like 100+ shops selling all the China's product. Handphone are cheap.

India and the spices stall

Yemen House is one of my favourite. You can find cheap woman's accessories there.

Ali Cafe is a leading instant coffee in it's category in UAE. Malaysia Boleh!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Kabar dari jauh...
hehehhe.. itulah karangan darjah 2 aku..why ??? coz i received emails from Tahir today and he wrote like 7 years old..hahahaha jangan marah aku en Tahir.
email from en Tahir:
"Alhamdulillah.... awk g ceramah isra' mikraj... dorang bagi ceramah dlm bahasa apa? Klu dorang cakap arab; awk paham berapa persen???
Okay lah... saya harap kita dapat berjumpa bila hari raya nanti... saya pun miss U so much... maklumlah, kita dulu kan berjiran... macam2 perkara yang saya rindu kat awk... rindu kan nak nengok bila awk serious/marah saya; rindu nak berkaraoke dgn awk; rindu nak g Lunch/makan2/minum2 dgn awk; dan lain lain lagi lah....
Walau apapun, saya gembira sebab ada kawan seperti awk... "
itulah karangan darjah 1 en Tahir. whatever it is i miss you toooo la en Tahir. awak kan best friend saya di ofis. Ampunnnnn sebab dulu saya selalu join Jeah kutuk awakkkk.. Tak apa nanti bila aku balik raya, kita set pegi karaoke dengan geng ectasy kita OKKKK...

en tahir (yg botak tu..hehehhe ampunnnnn) and fairol (yg keringggg..) - ahli-ahli geng ecstasy
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Isra' MIkraj
Setelah penat fikir, rasa macam malas nak pergi la, cari baju kurung tak jumpa lah alhamdulillah berjaya juga aku sampai ke majlis itu. So Sayang tak ada l ingat shopping saja tau, akhirat pun I ingat jugakkk..hehehehe
Almost 60 plus Malaysian attend the majlis. Rasa macam kenduri pun ada tapi bila Ustaz mengingatkan kembali kisah Isra MIkraj, terasa keinsafan di hati. Paling diingati, bila Ustaz Hassan mengingatkan yang solat adalah perkara pertama dihisab di akhirat kelak. Kalau lepas solat Insya Allah selepas itu tak ada masalah walaupun terpaksa merangkak-rangkak meniti siratun mustaqim. tapi kalau solat tak lepas, maknanya perkara lain pun tak lepas. Takutnya kalau dibayangkan... Harapnya aku dan keluarga ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman.. Insya Allah..
Kurma yang baru dipetik dari pokok. Sumbangan ikhlas Kak Ani. Sedapnya kurma dari pokok nih.. Aku yang tak suka kurma pun boleh makan sampai 5 - 6 bijik. Ingat nak cari buat balik KL nanti masa balik puasa, mak mesti suka..

Nampak rambut la pulak.. padahal sebelum datang aku dah cun-cun ikat tudung betul2 siap pakai brooch lagi.. suami tengok mesti suka, almaklum lah dia tengah pressure untuk aku menutup aurat.Insya Allah sayang..soon

Ustaz Hassan memberi ceramah.. sungguh terkesan sekali dan semua contoh2nya masih aku ingat..so sekarang ni tengah insaf la nihhh..harapnya boleh la kekalkan keinsafan ini selama-lamanya