Monday, July 21, 2008

He's in love

Saturday noon while shopping for carpet in Abu Dhabi, my handphone ring:

“Tini, macam mana?”

“Macam mana apa?” i asked back

“U kan hantar N balik semalam, so apa cerita?” he asked back.

“Alahh..aku busy tengah beli carpet ni, nanti i call u back..” that’s my answer and thereafter i forgot to call him back.

Sunday morning my mobile rang and i saw his name. Alamak, just remember i suppose to call him back yesterday.

“Tini, i need your help”

“Apahal ?” i ask him

“Can u ask N out for dinner tonite”

“Cannnn.. memang kita dah planned pun kan last Friday” i said.. So, eventhough i was quite busy today and a bit tired after full scheduled weekend, i decided to go ahead with the dinner as per our plan earlier.

After confirming the dinner with N, sent email to both of my friends

”Malam ni dinner kat Burjuman pukul 8.45 malam.. i ambik N pukul 8 kat mirdif so sampai sana lebih kurang gitu2 la.. makan kat mana nanti decide la yekkk. Ali, ko kena datang sekali kalu tak nanti aku jadi lamp post kangggg.. so aku dating dengan ko biar abang sohaimi kita dating ngan gadis idaman... bye bye”

So we had dinner tonite, 4 of us. It’s amazing to see how falling in love can transform people. My friend is still acting like himself but at the same time he seems different. Love is blind but yet, is love really blinded people. I always remember what my friend Pris used to say ”i like the feeling when I just started to fall in love, it’s so refreshing”. Yes, it’s true, it’s a refreshing feeling.

And tonite i saw it in my friend eyes. I saw happiness, I saw hope, I saw a person in love....


Anonymous said...

Hi Tini,

Tahniah untuk you kerana menjadi orang tengah kepada kawan lelaki you yang mahu berkenalan dan jatuh cinta dengan kawan wanita you.

Komen I, adakah you suka nanti jadi matchmaker atau nenek kebayan, (kalau zaman dahulu) oleh kawan kawan. Banyak buruk dari baiknya.

My opinion,

Suhaimi is a man, you should challenge him as a Man. To make the move and work hard to tawan hati seorang gadis. Jika bantuan hanya kenalkan dengan bagi contact and let them build the path from there.

N pula you ajar bagaimana mengenali sikap lelaki, tanpa membuat rekomen atau verbal testimonial untuk Suhaimi.N mungkin mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza terhadap Suhaimi dan sikap yang you tak tahu ada pada suhaimi yang berlaku didepan N. That all you should do.

Why? jika nanti berlaku tiada kesesuaian atau apajuga, You Tini will be blame and they will point at you. Kesian you kan...

First how close you knew both of them to be the bridge for them to cross(usd you to know it other)???

Second how do you feel to be there and witness the scene as what you wrote. And you bring Ali another innocent Guy just to accompany.

Why don't you sent N at the place and let Suhaimi to receive her and you leave, kasi can le.. let them together by themself. Don't you think that is better.

Third do your husband that love you so very very much, membenarkan you dated Ali, to observed the episod.

Or you didnot let him know and you didnot get permission from him. Ahhhahh!! Berdosa tau,

My Question is, how if your husband do the same act will you permit him? How if he know bila ada orang lain story kat dia?? Tentu sedih hatinya..isk..isk..isk begitulah bunyi tangisan dalam hati Husband you kot????

Anyhow I say SYABAS kat you kerana usaha and your effort itu, will make to heart attach and pray that they will ending as what you all may wish mengikut hukum.

Your responsible are,

You mesti remind them whatever they do they are on their own, mengikut hukum atau melanggar hukum kalau tidak you akan sama terbabit dan terlibat dan didakwa dalam 'sin' yang mereka buat.

Tini you are very nice and sincere person as a friend. I hope you know that, and becareful!! Banyak orang suka menggunakan orang macam you.Ingat there is Opportunis diantara mereka yang you kenal sebagai kawan.

Hati hati....;-)


tini said...

AMboi panjang lebar nye nasihatttt..macam kenal je nihhhh

Anonymous said...

ala tini...sape kawan ko ni??bestnye..can u be my matchmaker too??hehehe....sian aku takde org nak..

tini said...

sapa kata takde orang nak ??? ko tu cun and attractive cuma kena jadi lebih ke"ladies"an sikit..ini asyik dok menyumpah je mesti la lelaki takutttt..hehehehe..