Sunday, July 13, 2008

Missing you

Dua tiga hari ini, diri terasa sentimental. Kerinduan terhadap suami di Malaysia terasa terlalu tebal. Apatah lagi bila malam menjelma, terasa kekosongan di sini. Walaupun ramai teman yang menemani, namun semuanya tidak sama bila berada disisi orang tersayang.

Selalunya, bila terasa miserable, i'll turn to my relief - shopping, tapi kali ini, untuk shopping pun tiada mood rasanya...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Human was born in the world since Adam and Hawa by Allah are to be couple. The most important Hawa was reate from the rib bone of Adam.
The meaning of the Scenario is woman is to be near to her man and to be caddle as the bone that created do not come the leg to be kick or from the hand to be punch

Its is normal as missing somebody
is a prayed to whom you miss and your pray that very sincere and faithful will make your love one or your man will Miss you too.

Standby for your Man
