Monday, February 23, 2009

Indians rock ???

Everything is about Indian ths year.

Slumdog Millionaire wins big in all awards. MIA yang ada Indian blood with her Paper Planes song jadi famous (well she is an accomplished artist but basically unknown internationally) and now my best friend, Ilynn is going to Dubai to join her boyfren (who all of us frens don’t like), Indian guy from India.

I’m not a racist, I have few Indian friends but universally, Indians are associated with cocky, arrogant, putar belit bunch of people. Ilynn’s boyfren is typical Indian guy with all character mentioned earlier. Memang menyampah. At least I can still act decent and polite whenever we meet each other, tapi another fren, Janelle memang tak bagi muka punya. Everytime jumpa memang bergaduh and I can imagine mesti Ilynn pening.

I’m sad that my best friend is leaving. We have known each other for so long and all of us have gone through so many things together, thru all the happiness, sadness, broken hearts, and life changes. She does always give her shoulder to cry on. A big sister(despite younger in age) who would look after a bunch of crazy young girls who at times do crazy things, to make sure at the end we always do the right things.

I’m against the move and she’s very much aware about it. In fact I have tried to avoid her for the past 3 weeks. So many lunch and dinner dates were cancelled with many excuses given. I’m sure dia terasa hati with me. But I can’t help it, I have to show my protest kan ?? All my gang is leaving me. Pris is now happily settled in Italy, Janelle is in Bahrain, Ferin..ahhh my dear Ferin, what happened to you girl ?? and the fren that I love the most, Ilynn is now leaving me too. Nanti kalu aku bergaduh dengan husband, I don’t have anybody to talk to ..huhhuhuhu

Anyway, Ilynn is leaving in first week of March. Need to meet-up before her departure. We have been fren long enough for me to act this cruel while she always support my decision even though she’s totally disagree with it. And i have to accept the fact that the guy had beat me..hmm macam competition la pulak..

So now, my dear friend, I wish you joy, happiness, love and all the best in the world. GODSPEED ..

eventhough i don't like most of the Indians but Slumdog Millionaire remain one of my fave movies of all time. :-)

1 comment:

naz said...

haha kakni, dalam blogspot punya terms and conditions kan dah warn against offending material. kena edit balik la part yg ada word Indian tu. Patut nya kena tukar bangsa lain seperti Laotian ke Mauritian ke hehe.

Tapi apapun saya faham ur missing her nanti. Sedih betul.