Went to Fujairah last Friday. Ingat nak tengok International Parachute Competition coz i know Malaysian team pun ada.
Dah lama tunggu and angin dah naik sampai kepala, aku decided to just jalan saja. Agree to bagi direction to the rest. Masa tu dah 10 + ..mana tak naik angin aku. Aku pi dulu ngan Zoe and Chan.
Tapi lepas tu the rest call cakap dah sampai so we meet up kat simpang Mirdif. Sampai Fujairah close to 12 noon and jumpa Lina and Shakira dekat Al Meshwar (anyway, kat Fujairah ni, rest. ni jer lah yg paling besar and best for lepak).
Found out that info given earlier was wrong. Final jump was on Thursday, the day before and Friday is just the closing ceremony and some shows. Frustnye we ols. Anyway, decided to still check out what's the shows all about. Tunggu from 3pm sampai 4.30pm, nothing happened cuma ada la organizer nampak bz2, and ths Cessna (i think, kalu salah jgn marah ye) buat acrobatic. Last-last balik sajer le..
Conclusionnya, jangan jalan kalu tak check plan betul2. Aku nih dah banyak kali terkena pun still buat jugak. Guess next time, i better plan myself instead of thrusting others..hehehe..
So hari Jumaat tu, best time is lepak at Da Shi Dai lepas balik from Fujairah..we had a good laugh..(laughing at diri sendiri) LOL !!!!
aku tak tau pun.. kalau tak mau aku join sama tu:)
laaa.. tak tau ker. tapi kan kalu join pon mesti bengang sebab nak tengok abang2 macho terjun tapi tak berjaya tengok.. hahahaha
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