Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What happened yesterday ???

1. Hot news in Malaysia

Pak Lah marah TDM. Kesian TDM..but remember last time TDM pun do the same thing to Tunku Abdul Rahman in fact lagi teruk masa tu macam-macam dia dok kata..Tapi i think this is the first time Pak Lah really marah orang kot, not only TDM kena, Muhyiddin pun kena jugak ...wahhhh..looks like he’s Mr Nice Guy no more.

MYR 900K was budgeted to build PJ mayor house..wahhh bestnya jadi Datuk Bandar.

Jalan Alor kena tukar nama. Apalah DBKL tak ada kerja lain ke nak buat, ini nak menconfusekan hidup orang sajala ni. Why must change the name if there is no apparent reason for it?

Shah Rukh Khan accepts Datukship. Lantak engkau la labu. Kadang-kadang rasa malu je jadi orang Malaysia. Malu sebab ramai sangat so call pemimpin di Malaysia yang “dungu”. Ada separuh tu so obvious kedunguannya, orang tanya lain jawab lain, idea-idea yang diutarakan nonsense sebab tak buat research and yang aku paling marah bila tak tahu hujung pangkal cerita...hellllooooo!!!!! if you are the Minister for that Department, you should know better kan ???? Sama macam kami-kami yang bekerja biasa, a good HOD must know what is happening in the department, you just cannot lose track.

Police to learn Hokkien “dirty” words so they know if public are swearing at them. Hahahaha memang menggelikan hati.. saja je la ni nak menghabihkan duit . why only Hokkien, why not tambah lagi Hakka, Cantonese, Tamil, Spanish, Latin and segala macam bahasa mak nenek in ths world.

2. My office

Viraj is complaining that i’m taking too many holiday ..ehhh hellllooooo... apa pulak !! dah policy company aku macam tu..
Anyway, he mentioned that for my replacement we have to find a better solution to make this situation work and he think MISC entitlement of 4x home leave/year is disadvantage to the JV.

My answer to him is simple that if his company did not like our policy, they should not dream to have a joint venture with us in the first place.

Apala la dia ni banyak kali dah cakap tak paham-paham.. If our oversea assignment policies are not attractive, tak kan ada staff yang nak kerja kat our oversea offices. Boss ko pun tak bising, ko plak yang banyak cakap. Anyway, your thought didn’t count OK !!!

3. My car

Got the car from UCR in the evening. Still Honda Civic but the colour is ugly blue ( i don’t know what kind of blue it is). Semalam bercitchat dengan Kamarul and he asked me why this time aku tak mengamuk dengan my admin girl..and yup this time i’m so cool and i realize maybe that’s because i’m too homesick to get angry. Think i am too miserable to get upset, all my energy was channel elsewhere.

4. Myself

Still homesick but dah adjusted to Dubai time. Sleep at 11+ and woke up at 6 am, which is normal. No mood to work or talk to anybody. Try to be pleasant to others and so far manage to achieve that.

Spent time updating my facebook yang dah berzaman tak update.

1 comment:

domestic engineer said...

Interesting! Sambil mengomel-ngomel sambil updating the current issues in Msia...he he he.