Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Don't be dissapointed

I’ve told you that I was involved in something big at work kan. Finally the material was presented to the management committee Thursday. Outcome ? It’s a sad outcome. Despite all the hardwork put in by the team members, decision made against it. So finally, it’s going to happen.

I am actually relieved. Despite trying to be supportive of the initiative, I just didn’t see how it will work out. Been in the business long enough to know that with whatever people, process and system that we have now, it’s not enough to achieve what we want. Anyway it’s easy for me to say since my portion in the company remain intact and in fact expanding.

Thinking back, I have always made a right decision career wise in my whole life. Despite few failures and many lessons learnt, I am able to held my head high and say that I have achieved this and that. Would I be able to sustain what I have accomplish today ? God know.. but I always believe that as long as I work sincerely and with full integrity, the path will be a smooth one. I just have to remind myself often on my mom’s advise “ company bayar gaji and kita kena kerja as what they expect and give full commitment..kalu tak buat semua duit itu jadi duit haram..tak berkat”

Maunya tak takut fikir itu semua..just imagine makan duit haram whole life sebab malas kerja padahal integrity intact..better pegi makan rasuahkan..at least boleh jadi kayer senang-senang.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So the splitting of the company is happening lah ye?