Monday, April 5, 2010

Have a good day

hahahaha.. i need to start ths entry with a big laugh. previous entry i'm complaining kan.. patang tadi i got an email from my boss. It was decided in the last PDC, (that's a meeting where bossess discuss and decide on staffs things) that they agree to adjust my salary.. and i didn't know that my name is even listed in the me i know everythings about me in ths company..

so this come as a total surprise..a really good surprise. hahahahaha

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My life like hell.. rhetorically nya. can't stand it anymore. Thought it's only for few weeks now dah months dah. I'm so busy kat office until balik rumah lambat dah jadi routine..sampai guard pun dah tau.. In fact yesterday when i drop everything at office and left at 5.30, for the sake of my husband yang akan outstation for a week from today, bila sampai rumah about 7, guard pun surprise tengok aku balik awal. huh..

I need a new job. my current earning tak worth with all the time spent at the office. Tapi i plan to stay another 2 years with ths company.. but anyhow, guess it's nothing wrong to check my market value kan.. heh